Rules: Battle Modes

Section 2.A

These are rules that affect the overall style of battle, such as how it controls or operates.


This rule enables the AI to take control of the player's actions for this battle, allowing the battle to play out fully automated. This is entered as setBattleRule("autoBattle")


While this rule is enabled, this battle will be considered a competitive/pvp battle similar to how battles would behave in the Battle Tower, meaning the player cannot use items from their bag, and will be able to forfeit trainer battles by using the Run command. This is entered as setBattleRule("towerBattle")


While this rule is enabled, no trainers (including the player) will be able to use any items from their inventories. For the player, the "Bag" command will not be selectable at all.

This is entered as setBattleRule("noBag")

Last updated