Terastal: Mid-Battle Scripting
Section 7.F.5
This plugin adds various new keys to be used by the Deluxe Battle Kit's mid-battle scripting functionality.
Trigger Keys
These are keys which trigger upon a battler utilizing Terastallization or its mechanics.
"BeforeTerastallize" Triggers when a battler is going to Terastallize this turn, but before that Pokemon actually Terastallizes.
"AfterTerastallize" Triggers after a battler successfully Terastallizes.
"BeforeTeraMove" Triggers right before a battler's selected move boosted by Terastallization is about to be executed.
Trigger Extensions 1: You may extend these keys with a species ID or a type ID to specify that they should only trigger when Terastallizing a specific species, or species with a specific Tera Type. For example, "BeforeTerastallize_OGERPON" would trigger only when an Ogerpon is about to Terastallize, where "AfterTerastallize_STELLAR" would trigger only after a Pokemon has Terastallized into the Stellar-type.
Trigger Extensions 2: For the "BeforeTeraMove" key specifically, you can also use a move ID to specify a specific move. For example, "BeforeTeraMove_TERABLAST" would only trigger before the move Tera Blast is used, but only if the move is being boosted by Terastallization.
Command Keys
These are keys which trigger certain actions related to Terastallization to take place during battle, such as forcing a trainer to Terastallize, or disabling its use.
Here's a list of methods and/or properties that you might want to reference when hardcoding a midbattle script, since this plugin adds a lot of new custom content which you may need to call on to make certain things happen:
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