Launcher: PBS Data

Section 7.H.2

Upon installing the plugin for the first time, you must recompile your game. This is not an optional step. This will update all of your relevant PBS files with the necessary data. If you're unaware of how to recompile your game, simply hold down the CTRL key while the game is loading in debug mode and the game window is in focus.

Installation Details

If done correctly, your game should recompile. However, you will also notice lines of yellow text above the recompiled files, like this:

This indicates that the appropriate data have been added to the following PBS files:

  • items.txt

  • items_dynamax.txt (if Dynamax add-on is installed)

  • items_terastal.txt (if Terastallization add-on is installed)

  • items_zpower.txt (if Z-Power add-on is installed)

This will only occur the first time you install the plugin. If you for whatever reason ever need to re-apply the data this plugin adds to these PBS files, you can force this to happen again by holding the SHIFT key while loading your game in debug mode. This will recompile all your plugins, and the data will be re-added by this plugin as if it was your first time installing.

Note: Because this plugin adds new PBS data to your files, it is highly recommended that you make back ups of the PBS files listed above prior to installing this plugin. Also, keep in mind that if you ever choose to uninstall this plugin, you'll need to replace these PBS files with your backups, since the data added by this plugin will no longer be readable by Essentials without this plugin installed.

Item PBS Data

This plugin adds new lines of data that you may add to items in your items.txt PBS file.

LauncherPoints = Integer

This is what allows for an item to be considered compatible with the Wonder Launcher, and will allow it to appear in a trainer's Wonder Launcher inventories. The integer that this is set to will determine how much LP is required to launch this item in Wonder Launcher battles.

By default, all items have their LauncherPoints set to 0. Any item that has this set to a number higher than zero will be considered a Wonder Launcher-compatible item. Note that the Wonder Launcher inventory has only two "pockets" by default - Medicine (pocket 2) and Battle items (pocket 7). So any custom Wonder Launcher items you want to add should also be items that appear in one of those two pockets.

LauncherUse = OnTarget

This is what determines what targets are valid for this item to be used on during Wonder Launcher battles. You should almost never need to actually set this line on any item, since this properly naturally just inherits the same value as the BattleUse property.

The only time you should ever need to set this is if you're making a custom battle item that can be used to target any battler on the field, including opponents. If so, you should set OnTarget as the value for this property. If so, this item will be able to target any battler when used in battle. The only items that utilize this are the various "Urge" items, such as the Reset Urge, Ability Urge, Item Urge and Item Drop items.

If for some reason you want to create a custom battle item that has different targetting functionality during Wonder Launcher battles than it does during regular battles, you can also set this to any of the values that the BattleUse property accepts.

In summary, here are all of the values that the LauncherUse property can accept:

  • OnPokemon Used by Potions, status cures, Revives, most medicine.

  • OnMove Used only by Ethers and Max Ethers.

  • OnBattler Used by X Items, Persim Berry, Red Flute, etc.

  • OnFoe Used only by Poke Balls.

  • Direct Used by Guard Spec., Poke Flute, Poke Doll, etc.

  • OnTarget Used by Reset Urge, Ability Urge, Item Urge and Item Drop.

Last updated